Grow your business with the Growth Academy taster session
Want to know more about how to grow your business?
Carpenter Box is pleased to announce a brand-new initiative delivered in partnership with Action Coach Worthing called Growth Academy.
To find out more about the Growth Academy, book onto a free of charge, hour-long taster to learn about the Growth Academy, and top actionable tips to improve your business immediately.
Is business coaching for you?
Business coaching can be a life changing, eye opening, soul searching, growth promoting and goal achieving journey… no wonder it can sometimes seem like a daunting step!
For this very reason, we are offering a free 1-hour coaching session based in the Carpenter Box offices in Central Worthing. These sessions are available to book now on either 27th April at 10.00am, or 28th April at 4.00pm.
Who is delivering the sessions?
Accomplished business leader, senior executive and board member, Paul McCarthy will introduce you to one of the leading business growth systems, currently being used by over 15,000 businesses every month.
What will the taster sessions cover?
This session will offer an introduction into practical, relevant, tailor-made business growth strategy. It’s aimed at driving more profit into your business.
Topics will include how to:
- Increase your profits – during the seminar, we will give you the chance to step out of your business and get focused. Learn how to turn your advertising and marketing into an investment instead of an expense
- Get more done in less time – known as ‘leverage’ or achieving ever more with ever less. We will be showing you strategies and proven techniques to enable you to spend more time working ON your business rather than working IN your business. Learning how to work ON your business instead of IN your business
- How to recruit, motivate, educate, and retain exceptional employees – Create leverage through your team to get your business growing AND your time back.
What can you expect?
An hour of proven methodology, marketing concepts, sales promotions and business building strategies. You will also benefit from valuable learnings, networking and building business relationships with a host of local business owners.
Spaces are limited, so make sure to book your free space today.