Accountants and Tax Experts for Manufacturing & Engineering

Supporting the manufacturing and engineering sector to do better business

Carpenter Box is a centre for excellence when it comes to advising businesses in the manufacturing, engineering and technology sector. Our aim is to understand what our clients want to achieve and then, using our expertise, extensive sector network and experience, we help them achieve it.

With our help, our clients are able to identify opportunities for growth, diversify into new areas and expand internationally.

With our help, our clients are able to identify opportunities for growth, diversify into new areas and expand internationally.

Helping to solve your problems

Carpenter Box acts for a wide range of clients in the sector. Whether large or small manufacturers, engineers or technology companies we will have a solution. With our Partner-led service and proven tax expertise, we build strong relationships taking a team approach to problem solving.

That proactive approach is complemented by our international credentials, through our international association PrimeGlobal. This means we are well positioned to advise our clients on a diverse range of industry related areas from cloud accounting (with sector related apps) and audit to the more specialist areas around tax, including Research and Development Tax Relief, Capital Reliefs and Patent Box.

Listen to our clients

Find out how we provide a specialist service to H&B Sensors Limited.

METALL: our dedicated Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology forum

One of the ways in which we support the sector is facilitating a popular manufacturing forum called METALL (the Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Alliance). METALL organises speakers, factory tours and masterclasses which helps our clients take advantage of their opportunities and deal with their challenges.

METALL - Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology Alliance

METALL aims to help businesses to share good practice, network and be signposted to grants and funding, export advice, academic partnerships.

Membership of METALL is free but restricted to those in or directly supporting the sector. The events are by invitation only and attendees are carefully screened to keep the focus on manufacturing, engineering and technology businesses.

“The relationship we have with Carpenter Box is first class they provide what we want, when we want it…they help us to run our company more efficiently, both through driving our costs down and by getting us more tax efficient. The Carpenter Box team are part of my team here at Parafix.”

Michael Punter, Owner and Managing Director, Parafix Holdings Limited

How we can help

  • Tax planning and corporate restructuring
  • Understanding and claiming Research & Development Tax Credits
  • Understanding and profiting from the Patent Box scheme
  • Migrating you to Cloud Accounting systems such as Xero or Quickbooks and their related sector apps
  • Assisting with routes to finance through our large network of bankers, invoice financiers, grant makers, etc
  • Helping you to develop an export strategy
  • Minimising risk from pricing and supply fluctuations
  • Optimise stock control
  • Make important investment decisions
  • Planning for mergers and acquisitions or disposals
  • Corporate finance advice, including strategic acquisitions
  • Managing cash flow through interest and exchange rate fluctuation
  • Helping you trade abroad through our network of global associates
  • Access to our useful network of other specialist professional advisers

Meet the team

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